The LifeLine Technique

What is The LifeLine Technique®?

It is both an ancient and advanced system of transformation - a philosophy, science, and quantum technology that bridges gaps between the conscious and subconscious mind. At the root of every symptom, stress and disease is a subconscious emotional pattern of reaction. When activated, this pattern of reaction will cause both behavioral and biological stressors.

Symptoms, stress, and disease are simply the communication channels that awaken you to your authentic power to transform and create change. The LifeLine Technique® enables you to activate your subconscious mind and have a direct impact on genetic expressions affecting the health of your body and the relationships in your life.

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What to Expect From a LifeLine Technique® session

The Certified LifeLine Practitioner can meet with you in person, via Skype, or by telephone. Using Muscle Reflex Testing, the practitioner creates a dialogue with your subconscious mind in order to discover the reactive patterns lodged in your energy pathways.

Once these subconscious patterns are brought into the realm of the conscious mind, they are harmonized, using the healing frequencies of the words "Infinite Love and Gratitude" based on the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto on the effect of words on the quality of water.

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Five Basics for Optimal Health

The source of true health is creating balance on an emotional, structural, biochemical and spiritual level.

Taking care of yourself is NOT about picking parts of you that you DON'T like to make them better.

Taking care of yourself is about practicing acts of self-love to bring your body into balance and harmony.

Over the years, in working with thousands of patients, Dr. Darren Weissman found that the same five basic needs for lasting health kept arising. From these, he created the Five Basics for Optimal Health.

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Healing Systems of The LifeLine Technique®

The LifeLine Technique originated from many different holistic modalities, creating one unified system of healing. Imagine experiencing the kind of transformation that can only come from combining the best of these modalities into one!

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"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
- Wayne Dyer